+256 312 350 800 /880 +256 782 868 236

Certificate in Administrative Law


This course is designed to introduce participants to the nature of administrative law generally and to the various types of administrative processes and authorities in Uganda. Participants will be introduced to the background of administrative law and where it fits within the Constitutional Framework of Uganda’s legal system. They will then be given an in-depth study of the various administrative processes and authorities including their respective powers and functions. Participants will therefore, be able to grasp the relationship between the government and its agencies and the citizens, legal control of public administration, principles of fairness, transparency and accountability in Uganda.


This course is intended to provide participants with:

  1. The ability to analyse the principles governing administrative action and decision-making in Uganda.
  2. A firm grounding in the intricacies of the operations of various administrative authorities and processes in Uganda.
  3. The ability to appreciate the rationale for their existence of administrative organs, their powers and limitations and the various procedure that should be followed in the day-to-day operations of the administrative authorities in Uganda.
  4. Knowledge about the main texts and the reference books below for an overview of the course.
  5. Critical skills to analyse case law and statutory provisions relevant to administrative law in Uganda.
  6. The ability to understand the importance of the rule of law, separation of powers and constitutionalism in administrative governance in Uganda.


Upon successful completion of the course, the participants should:

  1. Be able to appreciate the rationale for the existence, operation and limitations of legal and practical approaches to administrative law issues, and the various procedures that should be followed in the day-to-day administrative relations. 
  2. Be able to apply their knowledge and skills to solve legal issues rising out of the administrative context.
  3. Be able to demonstrate a sound understanding of the principles of administrative law and their application.
  4. Be able to evaluate the functioning of administrative bodies in Uganda and their adherence to legal principles


Sessions Training Modules and Topics
MODULE ONE:     WEEK ONE Background and Introduction to Administrative Law
MODULE TWO:    WEEK TWO Rule of Law & Separation of Powers
MODULE THREE: WEEK THREE Administrative Decision-making, Discretionary powers, Ultra-Vires and Delegation of powers
MODULE FOUR:   WEEK FOUR Primary and Delegated Legislative Framework
MODULE FIVE:     WEEK FIVE Administrative Agencies, Central Government, Police & Civil Service
MODULE SIX:       WEEK SIX Local Authorities & Public Corporations
MODULE SEVEN:  WEEK SEVEN Tribunals, Public Inquiries & Dispute Resolution
MODULE EIGHT:  WEEK EIGHT Judicial Review, Just Administrative Action & Natural Justice
MODULE NINE:    WEEK NINE Ombudsman and Public Accountability
MODULE TEN:     WEEK TEN General Control over Administrative Process & Processes of Government
MODULE ELEVEN: WEEK ELEVEN Procedural Rights Aspects of Administrative Law
MODULE TWELVE: WEEK TWELVE Remedies in Administrative Law, Reforms & Conclusion